Saturday, July 21, 2007

Passover: Combat Simulation User Guide

Select your Avatar (one only): Moses, Pharaoh, Aaron, Brutal Overseer, Hebrews, Egyptians, Magus, Angel of Death, Courtiers, Army of Egyptian Chariots, First Born Children, Guilt of Jewish Mothers, Plague of Locusts.Battle 1: Moses vs PharaohBattle 2: Angel of Death vs First Born ChildrenBattle 1: Moses treads warily around the outer perimeter. He wears a torn and dirty desert robe, and a sweaty

Saturday, July 14, 2007

wondering the Underlands

Always, Ze returns to the Underlands, drawn to the mystery like a moth to the flame. Traversing the dark corridors in dreams and visions, ze luxuriates in the excitement of remembering that which ze has never known. Through that hidden world where no other travellers walk, zer soundless footsteps trace the chaotic labyrinthine complexity of caverns, chambers, tunnels and avenues entwining like

Friday, July 6, 2007

five pussies feast on Satanic breakfast

And while they were thusly engaged did Satan, the Fallen, emerge upon them as a plague of rats, swarming verminously in teeming thousands. The lost souls--terrified beyond measure, moaning piteously--huddled in a tight circle while the evil flowed lazily around them and into the spaces between their trembling limbs...Until five lithe and savage pussies--Jesus, Zoroaster, Moses, Mohamed and Buddha

Monday, July 2, 2007

flesh of my flesh

As Horace contemplated the yellow-green ball of quivering snot upon his nicotine stained forefinger, he thought he would burst with joy, or if not, then implode with sadness. Ah, the pangs of love: the highs and lows, the fasts, the slows..."Snotty," exclaimed Horace poignantly, "dost thou still love me as I do thee? Wherefore thy cold silence, my darling, why dost thou respondeth not? When one

Sunday, July 1, 2007

what goes around

Once around a time, lived (?) a little girl called Maria Innerear. The problem with Maria was she was unbalanced. Her proprioperceptive sense had been permanently degraded by a virulent post-natal inner ear infection that a drunken obstetrician had failed to notice, let alone treat. As a result, Maria could only walk in circles, clockwise. Walking Widdershins made her throw up.Maria lived in a